Didasari keinginan bersama untuk saling menunjang dalam melaksanakan pembangunan bangsa dan Negara. Universitas Narotama (UN) Surabaya mengadakan Kesepakatan Bersama (Memorandum of Understanding / MoU) dengan Pengadilan Militer III - 12 Surabaya, Kamis (21/10/2021). Adapun MoU tentang pendidikan, peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia, penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat.
Penandatanganan MoU dilakukan oleh Rektor Universitas Narotama Dr. Ir. H. Sri Wiwoho Mudjanarko, ST, MT, IPM dan Kepala Pengadilan Militer III – 12 Surabaya, Kolonel Chk. (K) Farma Nihayatul A, SH bertempat di Kantor Pengadilan Militer III – 12 jalan Raya Ir. Juanda No 85, Sidoarjo.
Acara penandatanganan MoU tersebut dihadiri Wakil Rektor I Universitas Narotama Dr. M. Ikhsan Setiawan, ST, MT, Kaprodi Ilmu Hukum (S1) Bambang Arwanto, SH, MH, dosen Fakultas Hukum (FH) Soemali, SH, MH dan Dr. Woro Winandi, SH, M.Hum serta tiga mahasiswa magang MBKM. Sedangkan dari Pengadilan Militer III – 12 Surabaya hadir Letkol Chk. Rony S, S.IP, SH, M.Han (Wakil Kepala) dan para hakim militer. [UN- universitas swasta Surabaya]
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Inisiatif kolaborasi yang luar biasa! Universitas Narotama dan Pengadilan Militer III-12 Surabaya telah membuka peluang baru untuk pertukaran pengetahuan. 👏📚 #EdukasiBerkualitas https://campuslife.telkomuniversity.ac.id/2023/08/15/keindahan-taman-depan-gedung-kuliah-umum-telkom-university-ruang-hijau-yang-menginspirasi/
BalasHapusThe University of Surabaya has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Surabaya Militer III-12 School on October 21, 2021, aimed at promoting cooperation in the development of the country and the nation, focusing on education, human resource quality improvement, research, and community service. The MoU was signed by Rector of the University of Surabaya, Dr. Ir. H. Sri Wiwoho Mudjanarko, and Kepala of the Militer III-12 School, Kolonel Chk. (K) Farma Nihayatul A, at the Militer III-12 School's Kantor. The MoU also involved three MBKM students from the University of Surabaya and several Militer officials. The MoU aims to optimize the relationship between the two institutions, focusing on various aspects, such as education, human resource quality improvement, research, and community service. It also emphasizes the importance of collaboration to create a competent and dedicated community service. The MoU also encourages participation from the leaders and representatives of both institutions in the MoU's work, aiming to contribute positively to the community. dui lawyer emporia virginia
BalasHapusPenandatanganan Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) antara Universitas Narotama dan Pengadilan Militer III-12 Surabaya menandai langkah progresif dalam memperkuat kerja sama antara lembaga pendidikan dan lembaga hukum. Dengan kesepakatan ini, kedua pihak berkomitmen untuk meningkatkan akses mahasiswa dalam Program Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM), sementara juga membuka pintu bagi pertukaran pengetahuan dan pengalaman antara dunia akademis dan hukum. Kolaborasi ini tidak hanya memperkaya pengalaman belajar mahasiswa, tetapi juga memperkuat integritas dan relevansi pendidikan dengan dunia nyata.
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The signing of the MoU between Narotama University and Military Court III-12 Surabaya marks a significant milestone in fostering collaboration and mutual benefit between academia and the military justice system. This partnership holds promise for both institutions, as it opens avenues for knowledge exchange, research collaboration, and skills development in areas of common interest.
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